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Monday, 29 March 2010


Heavily tipped as One to Watch in 2010, W. London handful Goldhawks have just released their second single ‘Where In The World’ (March 29th) with their debut album ‘Trick Of Light’ to follow on June 7th.

Like the interview questions which they kindly answered below, I’m gonna keep this real (short but sweet)... for sure!

AS: Where do you go when it all gets too much?
G: followed by the Anglesey arms.

AS:  Is bedtime more half nine with a half read paper or more half four with fully red eyes?
 G:  Definitely more like four with red eyes.

AS:  Where do you most enjoy playing live?
G:  Where ever the next gig is... the north is always good.

AS:  What influences your sound above all else?
G:  How you feel at the time.

AS:  Who were your heroes as a teenager?
G:  Spiderman and Gary Glitter.

AS:  Any message for underachieving or odds-facing musicians out there?
G:  Keep trying or give up; it's in your hands.

AS:  Know of any upcoming bands that are destined for greatness?
G:  Us!

AS:  Any forthcoming plans for the band?
G:  Tour, release the album, tour tour tour and tour!

AS:  When will the world end?
G:  3, 2, 1...

AS:  Which fictional character would you most like to be and why?
G:  God...he can be a mean f!!k and nobody can do anything about it.

AS:  Which rules... the digital age or the vinyl/cassette age?
G:  It used to be an exciting experience buying a CD and reading the sleeve long as there is music available in a physical format of some kind... it's important that technological advancement facilitates musicians, not destroys them.

AS:  Do politics have a place in music?
G:  Hmm I'm glad you asked that...tell me what you think and I will change my answer so everybody likes me!

AS:  Thanks guys, all the best for 2010...

After their recent stint supporting The Courteneers, you can catch ‘em live as the recent newcomers to the 2010 Q Tour...

10th May- Sound Control, Manchester.
12th May- Academy 2, Newcastle.
13th May- Cockpit, Leeds.
16th May- Academy 2, Bristol.
17th May- Academy 2, Birmingham.
18th May- The Garage, London. 

Visit for full details.

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