Tuesday, 5 February 2013

FOLKS have released My Mother!!!

FOLKS have indeed released their latest single ‘My Mother’ and to help one of Manchester’s finest bands celebrate their recent tour with Band of Skulls, they’re offering it up for FREE! So, you lucky so and so’s can get it here, right now and with nothing to pay but close attention (as you should to the below video)! 


And that's not all! Visit www.facebook.com/wearefolks for details on how you could win a unique, limited edition artwork print for one of FOLKS first three singles (‘Skull & Bones’, ‘Say Something’ and ‘My Mother’).  They’ve each been individually numbered and lovingly signed too, so don’t miss out!
Onward then to their single ‘My Mother’, that unashamedly uses all the tried and tested, repetitive-riff driven means it can to get under your skin… and what a great job it does!  For many it’s an off-putting song-writing tactic, but what FOLKS serve up here simply shines.  What's it about you ask; press play...


The FOLKS sound is solid and their debut LP ‘I See Cathedrals’ is something of a slow burner it’s true, but given a chance and half and FOLK are sure to impress. Oh, and watch out for the re-mastered version featuring none other than the legendary Ruadhri Cushnan. Anyhoo, there was talk of a live review, right?

 A wise and oh so fictional man once said “there can be only one”, but I know for a fact that there are at least fifty people in the Bodega on this relatively average Monday night in Nottingham; although it’s important to remember that tonight, Manchester is in the area! 

Nottingham’s Vanity Box and Daniel Cliffe & The Hangers were tonight’s well received support acts and despite having missed the opening set, I can confidently surmise that they were responsible for warming tonight’s seemingly receptive, responsive audience. 

As the second support act leaves the stage to some well-deserved applause, I address my diminishing state of drunkenness and go buy another pint amidst a sudden, unexpected exodus of bodies that are noticeably less shiny than those at last year’s Miles Kane gig!

In the meantime I free my mind of the crowd’s activity-related trivialities by tuning in to the Foo Fighters who can be heard overhead. It’s 9:05pm and I know this is gonna be worth the wait; despite the Bodegas 10pm curfew and regardless of this slightly less sizable audience.

All is silent now.  The audience takes to the dance floor as the lights blacken, so as to take in the headline spectacle. It must be strange for a band to be so sardinified up on stage, especially after playing to thousands as they surely did when supporting Noel Gallagher.

‘Four and twenty Blackbirds’ kicks the place into life, re-animating the crowd and applause ensues as FOLKS break into ‘Venom’, after which the words “This is the last one from us tonight” bring a far-reaching sense of disappointment for all here tonight. Sad face 8(. 

“Thanks to everyone for coming and spending your money; we're gonna be selling some merch’ later... Here’s the new single that came out yesterday... thanks!” A fantastic rendition of ‘My Mother’ is reservedly observed by something of a deflated, immobilized crowd.

I help the band shift all their gear towards their van and following some mild banter concerning FOLKS’ non-likeness to Beady Eye, I return to the bar and befriend a lady named Anne–Marie who lives with her cat Maumau (fascinating insight I’m sure you’ll agree!).

  FOLKS have turned out a storming set tonight and in true Manc' style they’ve instilled in me a new found sense of appreciation for their sound and highly stylized songs… Bravo FOLKS bravo.  I can now happily report that FOLKS is where it’s at folks; FOLKS is where it’s at!

With Glasgow, Manchester and Nottingham already behind them, FOLKS still gave a handful of dates on their current UK headline tour (get tickets right here), so there’s still time to catch them in the act!  See the tour poster below for details; you’ll be pleased as punch that you got to see their kickass live set.

Despite 2012s support slots with Noel Gallagher and Miles Kane, FOLKS are still a speck on the sonic horizon, but that surely can’t last too long.  Accomplished yet approachable, professional yet party-ready, FOLKS have a brilliant future ahead of them and I intend to be the one who brings the coverage!

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