Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Hi, how are you Bryon Parker?!!

Having recently reviewed the fantastic Bryon Parker 2-track EP teaser, I had to gain further insight into the Denver-based artist who reminded me of the great Daniel Johnston; Bryon said this of his recent VanGerrett Records release...
These two songs were written in the same day. They are siblings. Their production, while experimental at times, pushes the boundaries I deem acceptable of stark immediacy."  
Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions Bryon!


When you take aim with your peashooter/pellet gun/sniper rifle, you're aiming at who?

The squatter squirrel who chewed the wiring inside my wife’s car; he cost us some money!


Where do you go when it all gets too much?

My basement. It’s filled with records, movies and books.


Is bedtime more half nine with a half read paper or more half four with fully red eyes?

Half ten with a half watched show on a laptop.


What do you do with any ‘you' time?

Steve McQueen movies never get old.


Who would be your dream collaborator?

If I could collaborate with Warren Ellis, I could die a fulfilled man.


What's the last concert you went to?

Pavement’s 2023 reunion show.


What's the best / your favourite music video?

It’s Raining On One of My Islands by Ventura (feat. David Yow).


If you were a musical instrument what would you be?

A Sunburst H912 12 string 1966 Harmony Stella. I own this guitar… we look alike!

What's ‘love at first sight' all about then?

I had that. I married her. It’s wonderful. The end.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

My subconscious is usually to blame. I’m in tune with being lyrically free-form initially. I analyse my own music, but only after it’s created. I love reviews because it helps me better understand what other people get out of it.

Care to share any regrets, missed opportunities or things that might've been?

I rarely look backwards. I live without much regret. There’s a handful of musicians that I wish I could’ve seen before they exited.

Were/are you aware of your escalating popularity?

This is a falsehood. I haven’t any escalating popularity; I’m happily obscure.

Will your past come back to haunt you or will karma be kind?

Karma all the way!

Where do you most enjoy playing live?

Places where they don’t get enough musicians: book-stores, art galleries and back yards.

Why? What's your biggest why question that mystifies you most?

Are all of our old pets waiting for us on the astral plane?


What influences your sound above all else?

An inability to read music and an outsiders approach to technique.

Where do you sit in the grand scheme of things?

I’m right on the edge. I don’t know what comes next” -SZ

Why the name (not your christened name of course)?

Bryon Louis Parker is my given name. It confuses all radio DJ’s; they say “Byron”… I’ve learned to be fine with it.

Any choice epitaphs or famous last words for which you'd like to be quoted?

I died a fulfilled man. I collaborated with Warren Ellis.”

What makes you better than everyone else?

My ability to identify that I’m not better than anyone else.

When do you plan to take over the world?

Soon after this conversation is published!

What changes can we expect with your latest outing?

My posture is better. And I’m standing up when I perform now. You see, I used to hunch. Let the record show that.

Are you in control of the formats for your releases?

The cassette tapes I made went over well. I sold 12. My 7-inch lathes are probably least agreeable due to their deliberate mono format and low fidelity sound… Whatever; I think they’re home-made cool.

Wish you were doing anything else with your time other than music?

I wish I could be an actor. I’d share a scene on the silver screen with Ben Mendelsohn!

What music are you listening to of late?

'Norm' by Andy Shauf. It’s a perfect pop album for the spring.

Any message for underachieving or odds-facing musicians out there?

Let’s collaborate!

Any career highs or lows you care to share?

Jad Fair (Half Japanese) recorded a cover of one of my songs once. I still haven’t gotten over this high.

Do you enjoy playing live or are you more at home in a studio?

I’m more of an at my friends home in his studio kinda guy.

Your career defining dream moment would/will be what?

Getting music aligned with film. To be immortalized in the end credits.

How important do you feel visuals are in relation to music?

They can make or break it for me.

What's been the highlight of your year?

Getting a second dog is adding a lot of quality.

I'm sure you've done a few but which gig has been your best?

I once played in a two-piece band; it was a short lived thing. We were called Simulators. We shared a bill in Chicago with Sewingneedle and Andy Cohen + Light Cohen… Tim Midyett was in the audience that night. That was a good one.

Any forthcoming plans for you / the band?

Continue to release sporadic singles and live my life.

Is there more pressure playing live with a band than there is playing solo?

I find playing with a band is more pressure.

Best song, movie or album ever?

SONG: The Family Gardener by the Minus 5. MOVIE: Beauty is Embarrassing. ALBUM: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot by Wilco.

Where did you sleep last night?

In the Pines.

What's your secret vice; what are you a sucker for?

Acoustic-electric guitars through my Guild Aspen amp.

What makes the world go round? 

A Guinea pig named “Pickle” in my home office.

Which instrument does it for you

My IsotonaG. It’s an all aluminium 25.1 inch scale guitar. Sonically, this instrument is such an amazing guitar equalled only by its exceptional design. The IsotonaG was designed by one of the greats (Agostino Tilotta). See also- Uzeda, Bellini.

When will the world end?


Who's the main driving force or do you work as a team?

I’m a solo guy with friends who play on his recordings. I’m the driving force.

What revival would you most like to witness?

Elephant 6.

If you could protect and save 1 thing in the world, what would it be?


Whose autograph do you have and why?

I have signed autographs from the members of Wilco, David Dondero, David Yow, Flipper and Howe Gelb. I’ve met and seen these folks in concert and was lucky enough to have conversations that led to signed artefacts. These things live in my record room as trophies.

Which fictional character would you most like to be and why?

Vincent Spano’s portrayal of Steve in 1983’s Rumblefish. When I first watched this film, I immediately identified with this character. I felt like Steve was an impression of me. Studious. Kind of boring amongst the main characters. He has to be pushed into things before he’s identified as fun. He has my hair style, glasses and wardrobe. It’s kind of eerie.

Which musical style should become extinct first?

Rock and Roll. It’s just not as interesting or shocking as it once was.

The Bryon Parker EP is released on VanGerret Records April 1st 2023.

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